Nottingham Indymedia, a news site for the East Midlands that anyone can post on.
We hope that you will find our site a useful place to find out about what’s going on in the region and to publish your own news.
What is Nottingham Indymedia?
Nottingham Indymedia is a widely read hub for community and activist news from across the East Midlands. We aim to “give a voice to individuals and communities throughout the region who are marginalised and have no say in the mainstream media.”
The site is open for anyone to publish their news and promote events simply by clicking the Publish button in the top right hand corner of the site.
All posts also go out to our 2,000 followers on Twitter
How can I use it?
* You can publish news stories
* You can promote your events on our calendar
* You can publish a link to an existing article on your own website
* You can propose and help to write feature articles by joining our mailing list
* Your site’s news feed can be included in the @NottsAltNews feed on
The more people who post, the better the website becomes and the more
people will read your news.
If you want more information, please reply to this email, check out our help pages or come to our next monthly meeting on Mon 15th Oct, 7.30pm at the Sumac Centre, Gladstone Street, Nottingham.
We look forward to reading your news!