Design your own stickers

In collaboration with Active Distribution, Veggies invite you to design your own high quality campaign stickers at a very affordable price.

anniversary sticker

1000 stickers cost just £21

Similar stickers elsewhere cost £36-£40 or more.

However the design and artwork must be to very specific specifications!

– The stickers are ‘DIN A7’ format (8th of A4)
– Create artwork at 300dpi – full colour format: CMYK
– It must be in JPG format on a 8.1cm x 11.1cm canvas (background).
– The sticker design should measure 7.5cm x 10.5cm
– Allow 3mm spacing within this. Don’t put critical detail too close to the edge
– The artwork must have an additional 3mm white outside border (or ‘bleed’)

The clearer the file, the better it will print!

Current Deadline : Now

There is a print run every few months, when a sufficient number of designs are gathered together.

If you might be interested we’ll hold your place whilst you sort out your designs and artwork – to get the ball rolling …

[contact us]

Here are some we made earlier

If you’d like some of the stickers featured here, send us a small donation and we’ll pop some in the post.

Veggies Sticker

Veggies at Glastonbury

Veggies at Glastobury sticker

vegan sticker

Stickers from Active Distribution

Pretty Vegan sticker
Loads more neat designs can be seen and bought from the Active Distribution Shop.

Other sticker printers

Other good options for stickers include the ultra-vegan Disgusted Youth store from Germany and Footprint workers co-op from Leeds, who give a discount for campaign groups.

For a good value commercial comparison try