Veggies Library and Book Stall is available whenever the Sumac Centre is open and at events elsewhere, but regular sessions are held to keep it tidy.
We’re not very good at selling things, but our supporters insist on buying stuff from us, and persuading us to sell things on their behalf. However we don’t mind if you just want to browse…
New Website – Work in Progress
Meanwhile read more about at Veggies Book Stall and the Sumac Library at
bookstall archive page.
or to buy stuff visit the books & publications section of our online shop.
Latest additions – December 2013
- Hot Damn and Hell Yeah by Ryan Splint
- Alternative Vegan: International Vegan Fare Straight from the Produce Aisle
- Vegan Freak, Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World, 2nd. ed.
- Simply Vegan
- Hot Damn & Hell Yeah / The Dirty South by Ryan Splint
- In Search Of The Lost Taste by Joshua Ploeg
- Grime and Nourishment
food & drink
- Anarchy and Alcohol
- Radical Brewing – Work, Energy, Commoning & Beer
- Vindication of a Vegan Diet
- Shift Happens! Critical Mass at 20
- Bicycle! A Repair & Maintenance Manifesto, 2nd Ed
- Critical Mass: Bicycling’s Defiant Celebration
- Everyday Bicycling
- How to Rock and Roll: A City Rider’s Repair Manual
other stuff
- The Rights of the Horse and the Rights of Man
- Banksy Locations & Tours 4th Ed. Vol 1
- Ned Ludd & Queen Mab: Machine-Breaking, Romanticism, and the Several Commons of 1811-12
- Make Your Place: Affordable, Sustainable Nesting Skills by Raleigh Briggs
- Anarchism, The Feminist Connection
- Anti-Mass Methods of Organisation for Collectives
- Arena: On Anarchist Cinema
- As the World Burns
- The Little Squatters Handbook
More Stock 16th Sept 2010
Anarchism and Education
Another Dinner Is Possible
Ban The Bono
Battle of Seattle
DIY Handbook
Get It Ripe
Hot Damn and Hell Yeah – Dirty South
How Is It To Be Done?
Let a Thousand Hands
Lickin’ The Beaters
Life Under The Jolly Roger
Lost Taste
Make Your Place
Neither Man nor Beast
Off The Map
Please Feed The Bears
Salad Scoffer
Speciest Being
Talking Anarchy
Makhnovist Movement, The
Vegan Freak
Vive L’Anarchie
Willful Disobedience
Prices coming soon.
Situation Vacant: Help needed checking in new titles, pricing and displaying books in Veggies Bookstall at Sumac and at Veggies Events elsewhere. Contact us…!