– The notice boards in the entrance lobby are for
(1) notices specifically related to Sumac Centre and directly related user groups.
(2) SMALL ads, with priority to groups and individuals from the local community.
– The pillar wall facing on entry to the club room and the table below is for posters / fliers for events held at or directly involving Sumac and user groups. (An exception to this could be for other like-minded events happening in the _immediate_ next few days)
– Posters and other literature should not generally to be displayed on other walls (this guideline has been stetched for the monthly sumac program posters, for in-your-face notices in toilets and in the general bar counter area. However it was originally felt that we should be careful to not let the centre become overrun with posters).
– All other notices should be posted on the community noticeboard on the street. This needs replacing.
– out-of-date info needs to be cleared regularly to make space for new notices; smaller notices (eg A6 / A5) are likely to remain longer than larger ones (maximum A4).
– The main wall may be used for exhibitions of art or specific project / campaign displays, as per an agreed schedule.
– There is insufficient space for (non-Sumac) notices larger than A4 inside the Centre, but use of the Community Noticeboard on the street is encouraged.
Guidelines for leaflet & magazine racks, current journals display and books for reference / loan / sale need working on.
See more Sumac Library Information and Sources of Information at Sumac website.
Also Veggies Book Stall & Library pages.