Sumac Admin Meeting
Present: Jack, Pat, Tom H, Tasha, Matt W, Tom G, Camille
Apologies: Andrew
Big ups: everyone who cleaned the centre, Tom, Tasha, Kate, Jack, Penny, Yusef, Abel, Sarah, Diana, Halim, Loz, Dom, Maja
To the Sumac as a whole – one of the kid who terrorised the sumac 3 years ago came back to say he wants to do a project, he remembered the sumac as a place that could help him out,
Builders of the wall
The prospect of the locks being changed – matt w
– Kitchen was messy on sunday
– stuff in the accessible toilet that shouldn’t be there
Matters Arising:
– Speak to Sally about the fabric that is posisbly sewing club’s in the toilets – JACK
Social centres working group
– Discussion on Tom H becoming a core member of the Social Centre working group at Radical Routes
– Tom to begin a conversation with some questions/ideas about the remit of a core member of the social centres working group – TOM H
– Final figure is £223 for 19 keys and 2 new locks fitting front and back – MATT W
– Veggies will pay for 5 keys and a lock, Bar will cover the rest.
– New padlock for out buildings – speak to Pat for access
Letter to user groups regarding donations– MATT W
Rosie to laminate sign and put it up – ROSIE
There are vacancies in the little cabinet for groups that want a drawer
Fire extinguishers need servicing, need to get quote etc – PAT
PAT testing is also overdue – PAT
regfional AGM 17th July 10.30 – 2.30 East midlands cooperatives gathering. Requesting to hear about the Sumac and Radical Routes.There will be lunch everyone is welcome – DOM PAT
New chairs – bar suggests paying for them peoploe are looking into it – LOZ TOM
Feedback from collectives
FINANCE – Bank balance is reasonably healthy,
– projections looking ok,
– planning to replace borrowings from savings account next month,
– thought it might be nice ot put a couple posters up so people can set up a standing order to the Sumac
– Tom is talking to the sumac flat re group paying vs individual pay – TOM
– Changing of signatories wanted at the AGM
– Electricity use has gone up a lot – we need to think about this
– Camille and Tasha have joined the finance group
– Laura, Tim have left
– Alfie will be phasing out involvement
– continual renewal of group to be discussed
– Maja is moving out today
– She is covering rent for next couple of weeks
– they will find a new tenant
– no representatives
Compost needs turning – TOM, TASHA
– Foodbank food needs to be removed because refuse options aren’t working – rotting/getting thrown about – DOM
– People to think up solutions for the refuse form foodbank – EVERYBODY
– trailer is repainted, it was then grafittied with paint from outbuilding.
– admin to social centres network list
– has 50 teatowels on cooperative prnciples to sell
– eat cake
– secure dropbox now chained for peoples kitchen donations
– tuckshop now secure and making loads more money
– having a break for the summer in 3 weeks time until autumn, or it might carry on, definitely happening next 3 weeks
Kids Group
– continuing to refer to the published guidelines. If an individual is taking responsibility for the kids you can not hang out with them and then leave before they have left. This will need reviewing next meeting, feel free to call Dom anytime if there are any problems. – FOR MATTERS ARISING
– bar volunteers should be made aware of contacting dom for assistance – BAR GROUP
People’s Kitchen
– email has been sent around for discussion
– messy kitchen – if it is a fundraiser then those organisers must bottom line the cleaning
– sumac funraisers – who is responsible if it is last minute etc etc?
– general state of the kitchen – who is responsible in the week?
– cleaning the kitchen will be added to the rota twice a week until the sumac cafe has a proposal for keping it clean
– £1000 did not get paid in to the bank – it is the banks mistake. It is now being rectified.
– hopefully will be able to put the rent up to £700
– will like to buy the chairs.
Food Bank
– absent
Radical Routes
– possibly a gathering next feb
– sumac is no longer the named postbox
– see tom’s email about the social centres gathering – proposal to have it in september or october
– work commitment – have been supporting MSC etc
– email to propose hosting it – TOM H
Cleaning Rota
– Bins Thursdays
– Friday morning clean
– Cleaning monday morning/sunday night
JACK w/b 2nd
TOMH w/b 9th
Matt W Monday 16th
TASH thursday friday 19/20th
DOM 23rd
TOM G 26th/27th
TASH 30th
TOM H 3rd/4th
Forming a cleaning checklist, thinking about cleaning – TOM H MATT W
– Recharge on tommorow
– Dancefloor sally friday
– 17th june – community circle
– 19th FFSC volunteers night
– can people become members in absentia? Question to answer – PENNY?
– need to re-flag up that there is no one to do the secretary, need to send a reminder email with what the role involves – DOM
– treasurer will be arranged/ nominated – FINANCE GROUP
– there will be a discussion before the AGM (on the day) about how user groups can become part of the ‘governance’ of the Sumac.
– there will be a description of the officlal legal structure of the Sumac for user groups to be understood before the AGM and sent round admin– TOM H, TOM G
Using Sumac whiteboard
– money going straight to trickey for materials
Planning proposal – some members will attend meeting.
– 2 front
– 1 out the back
– speak to nextdoor JACK
– what shall we do with the office space? Cleaning space? Kids stuff? Needs thinking about- brought to next admin meeting. Kids group will use it for storage for time being
– buying first aid kids – JACK
– need a doodle for cleaning rotas – CAMILLE
– Prepping next sumac meeting – TOM H