3rd March 2014 Sumac Meeting
Dom Maja, Tom, Tom, Laura, Camille, Pat, Trajen, Matt, Andrew, Jen
\matters arising
\kate to do FAQs to flat notices – like no cars
(missing something here?)
Tim to do anti mould in toilets
Pat to pin James down
Big ups
Tim for cleaning the Saumac!!
bins out every weeik
peoples assemble
-projector was left not in the cupboard over night
-cables are disconnected in the computer area
– someone is coming in at night and leaving doors open and possibly also stealing money, probably with a key
– have a new resident, Maja – to get keys from Pete **
– Maja to get a her tenancy agreement sign**
– Tom and Maya to reiterate policy of attending 3 sumac meetings when you move to the sumac
– Jen has sent out proposal for 4 evenings in April, Wednesday, sorting out the yard
– Allotment project in the sumac yard is agreed, it would be independent, unless somebody would like to coordinate a learning project.
– Camille to email round list of people that need to come to bar meeting
– Discussion about paid bar member
– Agreement to the proposal that FFSC has the autonomy to decide on and employ a member. May be subject to review at the Rainbow Centre AGM although day to day running is delegated to this meeting so this may not be an issue.
Food Bank
– sent out a request for donations
– thanks forwarded to admin meeting re: sorting out cleaning
– People who are looking to use the food bank should be signposted to the law centre for referral to the food bank.
– 1500 from extraordinary maintanance account to be paid back in July
– things are really tight at the moment
– any groups using the centre, it would be really good if they ciould donate
– also doing fundraisers for the Sumac would be really really good
– accounts are coming together but not yet ready to send to the accountant
Homework Club
– going fine, every monday 4.30-6.30, 11-12 year olds
Youth Club Proposal
– possibility of Sumac putting a price on room hire where relevant – i.e. depending on funding in the future
– propasal agreed
– Dom to write a piece recommending how Sumac users can relate to the kids re: welfare and safeguarding **
– sumac may be asked to be the body for the group to be constitued under, but an email will be sent if relevant
– things going as usual
– application to glastonbury £1000 more than last year
– AR group is hosting national world action day against labs
– watching out for cash pilfering
– Abdul suggests the isea of a new storage facitily for things like marquee poles. Proposal to spring clean before doing any more building.
– possibility of moving the tuckshop area to where thefiling cabinet is outside – if anyone has any ideas on how to make this work
– Proposal – would anybbody like to organise a work weekend Camille and Tom and Jen to talk about it**
– needs to be 2-3 onwards for an evening for decorating project for 6 weeks
– Mural can be done earlier and finished by 3 or 4
– Maja, Dom and Trajen to liase about timings**
– Tom will think about fuse box lighting situation – rationalising it**
– a reminder to all users that the seperate switch for the emergency lighting should be used whenever people are in the building and is in the fuse box
– the wall: James would like to do it, costs should not be muh for sand and cement, shoulder height proposal to make the wall lower.
– People should propose their ideas on the wall, James will be asked to show the next admin meeting the plans for the wall **
– Camille to send out email re fixing hosepipe to sumac admin list**
Bins and foodbank morning and toilets from 9am, (This week Pat), (14th Matt W) (21st Tom H) ( 27th Tom G) (3rd Trajen bins and toilets, Tom friday morning)
People’s Kitchen
– proposal to ask perhaps for fundraisers to first of all to a cook for the sumac to address the fact fundraisers get booked up but not sumac nights
Film nights
– In march films about women for international women’s day
– agreement that they will start from 7.30, for 8, ok to use the bar until 10pm
– going well
– planning to expand – an extra hour on Monday – so from 10-1 on a monday.
-should be some funding coming in soon
Radical Routes
– Tom emailed through feed back from the gathering
– big discussion about associate membership, it is a vague thing, talk o fmaking it a two way thing where both associate meber and rroutes approve of each other and lead to a stronger bond, maybe some work commitment. Possibly the direction sumac will go in as all loans are paid for… any comments? Thoughts about whether we want to get another loan, things like expanding the sumac etc…
– coop support group were supportive and wanted to know if everything was ok
– desire for social centres group to become a causus for pushing the agenda of social centres and rroutes working better for them, tom is considering becoming a core member, with possibilities of rebuilding a network of social centres.
– Tom to put together a mandate/proposal for becoming a core member of social centres working group chat**
– chat about idea of property going for sale nextdoor, concern about haziness of sumac’s sense of direction in future, also discussion about lack of space etc.
– |Dom to put together some thinking about buying nextdoor property**
Breakfast club for easter
– agreed whilst closing when other projects are going on like food bank and esol. Wil be fleshed out
WREN fundd
– there is a meeting on 25th of March – “meet the funder”, we are in an area suitable for asking for fundin, they have money they want to give to community centres.
– if people are interested in making this more accessible, this could be an option.
– Dom to go to the Wren fund on behalf of Sumac**
Melting pot festival
– NAE want us to be part of the food festival, laura went to the meeting
– Laura will be there on a stall, is recruiting people to prepare food to sell there, if people want to cook something get in touch**
Locks and Keys
– Russel has put a plate on the door.
– door seems to have been broken in to several times.
– suspect someone has a key they have been using to get in, likely they are also stealing money.
– likely to be a proposal on a key card system for next meeting.
– also possibility of short term solution of bolts on insides of the doors – Tom to talk about bolts with residents, if ok Tom H will do it**
– Pat to cut dead lock for back door and bots*
– sumac to be bolted shut in the evenings with a rota for who loks it up between residents and neds.