*Minutes from Sumac Meeting 05/05/14
**Present: *Andrew, Dom, Tom, Pat
*Apologies: *Maja
_*Matters Arising*_
Consumer units/fuse boxes on stage to be tidied up/lit TOM H
Garden wall JAMES T
Proposal for the Sumac Centre to become a core member of the RR ‘Social Centres’ working group TOM H
Electronic access to the sumac PAT and DAN
Groups currently using the space will be asked if they could contribute a little more, or start to make a contribution if they’re not currently doing so
·Draft email to groups MATT W
·Send email out to groups KATE M
Bar to be asked if they could pay more rent TOM G
A new sign to be put up in the kitchen reminding groups of kitchen etiquette TASHA
Communication to be better to make sure People’s Kitchen cooks know what they need to do TASHA
Both doors are going to be fitted with new security locks with 15 keys cut for each, one for each user group plus for the residents
Quote for cost from Halls MATT
Check with finance group that we can afford it DOM
Forwarding mail May TASHA
Email feedback from meeting DOM
Bob for compost bins, Jen, Bob and others for garden, Tray and Marcus for decorating, Katie for Spokes Cafe event, Cathy for donating new mail drawer.
*_General state of the Sumac – regular cleaning not always being done, v untidy after bar on Saturday, lots and lots of clutter.
*_None present. Written report requested.
Printing costs (£62) owed to Community Print Resource for last lot of Sumac Newsletters.
*_No problems. nothing to report.
*_See big-ups
*_Van will hopefully be MOT’d soon and become use-able again.
PAT testing for Veggies and Sumac is overdue.
Fire extinguishers need servicing.
*_Still going.
_*Youth Club
*_Going fine.
Laminated statements with clear contact number have now been put up around the Centre.
Laminated signs for the doors have been made advising when Youth Club is in progress.
*_No report.
*_No report.
*_None present. Rosie has suggested that a different individual takes on responsibility for the kitchen each day of the week.
*_Green bins not being collected – Council have now been spoken to and hopefully its resolved.
More vigilance about putting waste in the correct bin (recycling/landfill) would be good.
Garden waste collection has started again (brown lids)
Bins out Evening Thur 8th – *Pat
*Cleaning before Foodbank Fri 9th – *Pat*
Cleaning before ESOL Sun11th/Mon12th – *Dom
*Bins out Evening Thur 15th -***Dom*
Cleaning before Foodbank Fri 16th – *Dom*nottingham green festival 2014
Cleaning before ESOL Sun18th/Mon19th – *Kate*
*Bins out Evening Thur 22nd – *TomG*
Cleaning before Foodbank Fri 23rd – *TomG*
Cleaning before ESOL Sun25th/Mon26th – *………….*
*Bins out Evening Thur 29th – *…………..**
*Cleaning before Foodbank Fri 30th – *…………..*
Cleaning before ESOL Sun1st/Mon2nd – *………………*
_*Events Diary
*_Nothing arising.
*_Needs a new date – *Penny?
_Clothes Swap Party
_*Decided to get in touch with Daisy to ask a couple of things:
– Is the event on behalf of The Nottingham?
– Could money be raised for a different homeless shelter/charity/organisation? Because we don’t want to support Framework while they are invested in government workfare programmes.
*Dom* will draft an email and send it round to be checked over before sending to Daisy.
_*Radical Routes
*_Next gathering 22nd May. Agenda is out. Nobody has read it.
Two options:
– Organise a separate meeting to run through agenda and send a representative.
– Stand aside from all decisions.
*Dom *to send an email to the list seeing if anyone has a preference.
_*We still want it.
*Andrew *to contact Katie.
*Pat* can pick it up in the van.
_*East Midlands Co-operatives AGM Booking
*_Process wasn’t great.
*TomG *to email asking if it could be a different day, and that ESOL are trying to make alternative arrangements.
*_Decided it would be fine to go for cheaper locks on the proviso we maintain a firm grasp of who accountable key-holders are.
*Dom *will chase Matt W
PK or Go Fund Me to raise funds?
*_*Dom* to suggest some dates end of May start of June.
*_*James *starting work on Tuesday.
*_Suggested that we could do with some decent stackable or folding chairs.
*TomG *to gather 3 different quotes
*_Security light not always working – often on all the time including during day – *TomG *contact Chan
Anarchist Bookfair Oct 18th – anyone interested in going to down to promote Sumac?
Nottingham Green Picnic – anyone interested in doing a stall?
_*Next Meeting
*_Mon 2nd June 2014 7.30pm
*TomG *to arrange agenda etc.