Nottingham’s Sumac Centre provides a forum for groups and individuals to meet and share their common interest in working for positive social change in a spirit of co-operation and mutual aid.
SumacNews is an email list for sending announcements about announcements of events and activities at the Sumac Centre and news from the wider campaign community.
It is intended not to send too much, perhaps emails 7 per week.
As a public list anyone can read the online archive.
The subscription link should be widely circulated, including a link at the top of the Sumac Diary.
As at 30th Nov’14 there were 446 subscribers.
To circulate an announcement
Each entry on Veggies/Sumac Diary has a ‘[PrintView]’ link which brings up the event details in a format suitable to paste into an email message.
eg (see
You might need to change it to plain text and sub-edit any stray code (such as any image links & the email address format).
In theory only list editors can send out announcements, but in practice anyone can submit something to A moderation message will go to the editors, one of whom will hopefully promptly action it.
(at 30th Nov’14) (Liz)
Apparently Sumac Centre has a Facebook page, but Pat can’t find it.
The [EventView] of each event on the Sumac Diary has a [Tweet button].
This opens up a Twitter posting window, with basic event info that you can sub-edit to make best use of the 140 available characters. Please include the #SumacCentre hashtag. (Sumac does not have a Twitter account).