As Local Contacts for the Vegan Society we aim to
- promote The Vegan Society at a local level
- promote veganism at a local level
As such we:
- Compile an annual report of vegan campaign activities, (sent to the Contacts’ Coordinator at the Vegan Society)
- Deal with vegan enquiries or refer them to the Contacts’ Coordinator or to the Vegan Society office as appropriate
- Promote the Vegan Society (in accordance with any guidelines)
- Attempt to recruit members for the Society
Other possible areas of activity include:
- Running or being a member of a local group
- Arranging social eating events
- Stalls
- Library displays
- Street collections
- Cookery demonstrations
- Proactive media work
- Talks (including showing videos)
- Sponsored events
- Publicizing World Vegan Day and National Vegan Week
Many information sheets, leaflets & booklets are available, some of which can be seen on the website and downloaded free. Help welcome and needed in maintaining supplies for Veggies Bookstall at the Sumac Centre and for events elsewhere.
We welcome your help with any of this work.
If you would like to be a Vegan Society Contact in your local area note these Criteria for Appointment:
- Full membership of the Society for at least six months
- A contact telephone number
- Mail sent to Contacts at c/o addresses to be collected and dealt with promptly
- A minimum age of 18 (16 for Youth Contacts)
- New Contacts receive a start-up pack which includes leaflets and other relevant literature.
- New Contacts are offered an initial free mailout of members in their area provided that the material to be sent is first cleared with the Contacts’ Coordinator.
- Contacts are entitled to discounts on Society publications and merchandise.
- Contacts receive regular news updates and a World Vegan Day Pack at the appropriate time.
- Contacts are encouraged to contact the Contacts’ Coordinator when advice is required.
- Contacts are encouraged to attend the AGM and regional meetings.
If you are interested please contact the Vegan Society Local Contacts Network Coordinator.