Vegan Views – A Forum for Vegan Opinion

(in memory of Harry Mather)

Vegan Views

Vegan Views was revived in March 2011 with a new editorial team, reverting to the format established by Harry Mather, i.e. an informal forum for vegan news and discussion.

Veggies Catering Campaign was pleased to support this relaunch, printing the first three relaunch issues at our Community Print Resource in Nottingham, and providing subscription facilities until Vegan Views was able to set up its own PayPal account.

The next issue (Spring 2013) will be out in March, with a deadline for contributions on Thursday 31st January 2013.

Veggies will continue to make Vegan Views available at the many events around the UK at which we provide catering, not only the Vegan Festivals and Animal Rights demos at which you may have seen us, but at many other events from local community fundays, through green gatherings to national networking events such as the Peace News Summer Camp, the Animal Rights Gathering and the Earth First Gathering.

Latest : Winter 2012 latest issue of Vegan Views magazine (No.126 Winter 2012/2013) includes an extended interview with John Davis of the International Vegetarian Union (which has been much ‘veganised’ in recent years).

Also articles on Vegan Asia, the Vegan Woman website, Violet’s Vegan Comics, Quakers and Animal Welfare, and more, includings letters, recipes, news, etc.

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Summer 2012

Vegan Views 125Vegan Views No 125 (Summer/Autumn 2012) includes an interview with Angel Flinn of the Gentle World vegan community in Hawaii and New Zealand.

Also articles on the cartoons of Dan Piraro, the shifting meaning of the word ‘vegan’, and the experiences of a lone vegan on a TV food show. Plus letters, reviews, recipes, news, etc.

Or order with Paypal or plastic (£1.50 + 50p towards p&p 58p):

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Spring 2012

Vegan Views 124The Spring 2012 issue includes an extended interview with David Irving (author of The Protein Myth).

Also articles on ‘Vegans in the Ancient World’, ‘How many vegans are there in the UK/USA?’, the potential of lab-grown meat, animals eating other animals, plus comments, book reviews, recipes, etc.

Or order with Paypal or plastic (£1.50 + 50p towards p&p 58p):

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Vegan Views is produced by unpaid volunteers on a non-profit, independent basis, but in support of other vegan organisations and publications.

Vegan Views is published three times a year, available on subscription for £5 annually (inc. UK P&P), payable online using a credit/debit card via PayPal, or by cheque.

Those with internet access can freely read pdf copies on the website.
Voluntary donations are welcomed.

You are invited to submit articles and letters for publication.



Phone c/o 0845 458 9595

Write to: Vegan Views, 1 Church Hill, Woodlands, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 8LW


…or find Vegan Views on Facebook

Vegan Views Team

  • Editor in Chief – David Mather (Harry’s son)
  • Editor – Sarah Austin (Artist and Local Contact for Vegan Society / Bournemouth Veg*ans)
  • Adviser – Malcolm Horne (Former Vegan Views editor and one of the group who started Vegan Views in 1975)

To contact Vegan Views:


Write to: Vegan Views, 1 Church Hill, Woodlands, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 8LW

Or visit the website:

…or find Vegan Views on Facebook

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Veggies in Vegan Views

Veggies Vegan Views article
The Spring 2011 relaunch issue of Vegan Views featured a major article on the past history, present projects and future plans of Veggies Catering Campaign.

Download Veggies Interview here (314k pdf).

Vegan Views the Book

Vegan Views book overFollowing Harry Mather’s final issue of Vegan Views in 2008, the editorial hat was handed on to Knut Caspari. Knut experimented with various formats, from the colour-cover no.117 in Summer 2008, via three A5-sized issues nos.118-120, through to a 224 page book containing a round-up of many articles from his recent issues with some new material added.

Covering Food, Health, Natural Gardening and Low Impact Living, Vegan Views – The Book is available from Veggies for £7 post free. The new editorial team is not associated with the publication of this book.

To order:

Send cheque to ‘Veggies’, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX

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