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Brinsley Animal Rescue Bring & Buy Sale

Sun 24th April, 2016 @ 11:00 - 16:00

brinsley bring and buy

Brinsley Animal Rescue LOGO Join us raising funds for animal rescue work and the animal hospital at Brinsley Animal Rescue, a not for profit organisation, run by volunteers on vegan values, dedicated to the caring of pets, wild animals and farm animals.

The primary mission is to relieve the suffering of animals and birds. Many of the animals are simply ’surplus to requirements’ from the meat, dairy and egg industry. Because such animals are deemed unprofitable then the aim is to take them on and find them loving homes in which they can enjoy the retirement they deserve.

Come along and help raise money for Brinsley’s Animal Rescue. There will be a vintage clothes store, bric-a-brac, books, games and dvd’s and the Rescue’s own branded merchandise shop. The Rocky Road cafe serving fab vegan and non vegan cakes, coffee, tea and cold drinks. Animal sponsorship packs will also be available.

All funds raised and profits from our the merchandise store will help to pay for vital vets bills and feed for the animals.

You will be able to drop off any items you have from 24th March. There will be a designated area for these items see the facebook event updates nearer the time for this. Otherwise please bring along items on the day.

You can also meet some of the animals, subject to weather the field may be open up to meet the ponies, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry and of course Boris the bull.

Veggies food logoVeggies Food is Here As well as stalls, talks and games, there is vegan beer, vegan ice cream and food by Veggies so come over, chill out and meet the animals.

Find out about regular work days with Nottingham Animal Rights.

This is a Nottingham Vegetarian/Vegan Meetup Group outing too.

vegan climate logo To get to this event, 11 miles from our Sumac Centre base, Veggies may emit approx 10kg CO2.

However by helping an estimated 100 people Eat Vegan we will “offset” 200 kg CO2.

If ONE customer goes Vegan For Life, they will save 1.5 tonnes CO2 every year, as well as saving 4022 animals lives, and enabling all the world’s peoples to receive a Fair Share of the world’s resources. [refs].

Better still follow this cycle route from Nottingham or via the train to Langley Mill.


Sun 24th April, 2016
11:00 - 16:00
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Brinsley Animal Rescue
01773 722999
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Brinsley Animal Rescue
69 Hobsic Close, Brinsley
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG16 5AX United Kingdom
+ Google Map
01773 722999
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