We are not able to update all listings all the time so please follow links through to the organiser's own event information for latest details.
Earth First! Winter Moot 2025
Sumac Centre 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire🌳🌲The Earth First! Winter Moot will happen on 14th-16th February near Nottingham🌲🌳 💥 The Moot is going to be a bit different this year, and we encourage you to read the full statement about it here: http://tinyurl.com/EFmoot25 🧠 By sharing this vision beforehand we hope that you EF!ers will be able to make an informed […]
Plant-Based Councils Midlands regional training
We have our first ever Plant-Based Councils Midlands regional training in Nottingham! Other dates in Bristol, London, Edinburgh & Machester further below 🎨 Sunday 16th Feb 10:30-17:00 @ Nottingham Contemporary 🌟 It will be a day packed with information and skills for new and existing campaigners to really help us continue building the momentum and […]
Nottingham Greenpeace Meetings
Shop Zero 42a Friar Lane, NottinghamNottingham Greenpeace meets on first Monday of each month (but check) at Shop Zero, Friar Lane. https://twitter.com/GreenpeaceNotts/status/1733918383240876250
Nottingham Animal Rights Planning Meeting at Sumac
Sumac Centre 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham, NottinghamshireNottingham Animal Rights meeting at the Sumac Centre in Forest Fields, to plan forthcoming campaign activities. All welcome - hunt sabs, vegan campaigners, AR activists, people who want to get involved, and people who just want to know more about what we do, including supporters of Animal Aid, Greyhound Action, Hunt Sabs, VIVA!, Vegan Society […]
Kettering Vegan and Animal Rights Planning and Social Meet-up
Kino Lounge 1-3 Market Place, Old Corn Exchange, Kettering, NorthamptonshireA chance to plan future events and meet-up with old and new vegan activist friends :-) If you can't make this one, then it is repeated on the 1st Thursday of every month
Nottingham Green Festival Planning
Sumac Centre 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham, NottinghamshirePlanning meetings continue for Nottingham Green Festival, a sustainable-themed festival, organised by a volunteer cooperative planning group. Nottingham Green Festival will be held at The Arboretum on 14th September 2025. Join us at Sumac Centre or contact us to join the meeting online on Zoom. More info on the planning meeting. (See also event listing […]
World Day for Animals In Laboratories 2025 . TBC
World Day for Animals in Laboratories was instituted in 1979 and has been a catalyst for the movement to end the suffering of animals in laboratories around the world and their replacement with advanced scientific non-animal techniques. When the 2025 march is announced Veggies Vegan Catering Campaign will be there to keep you filled with […]
McLibel Anniversary
McLibel: Anniversary of 1997 High Court Victory! The High Court ruled that McDonald's marketing has "pretended to a positive nutritional benefit which their food did not match"; that they "exploit children"; are "culpably responsible for animal cruelty" and "pay low wages". The Appeal court added that it was fair comment that their employees worldwide "do […]
United Kingdom Week for the Animals
United Kingdom TNThis exciting week is designed turn the spotlight on UK & Ireland's animals, orgs, citizens and communities. Let's join together and build new relationships globally while helping the animals whom we love and celebrate everyday. The weeklong celebration will have events in different locations throughout UK and Ireland. The fun-filled week will feature pet adoption […]
Earth First Summer Gathering 2025
The Earth First! Summer Gathering is the place where people involved in radical ecological direct action - or those who want to be involved - get together for five days of time and space to talk, walk, share skills, learn, play, rant, find out what's going on, find out what's next, live outside, strategise, hang […]
Shambala Festival – Rebel Soul 2025
Shambala Harborough Road, Kelmarsh, NorthamptonshireShambala is a creative, non-commercial, ethical and family-friendly festival with a wild side and completely independent from advertising and sponsorship! In 2016 Shambala went Meat and fish free, to continue their mission to keep Shambala at the cutting edge of sustainable event organising. "... we’re setting ourselves a challenge: to provide the most eye-popping, mouthwatering, […]
Nottingham Green Festival Sunday 14th September 2025
Nottingham Arboretum Waverley Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire'Warning: time is running out limit climate chaos - share skills to save the planet' Nottingham Green Festival is organised by grass routes community based volunteers, with no statutory funding. The ethical standards and environmental / human / animal rights ethos of the event are long established, having evolved from the pre-history of the Nottingham […]