Record of Nottm Green Fest Meeting
Feb 8th 2015 at Sumac. Patrick chairing; minutes: Jeremy.

Present – Moby, Patrick, John, Jeremy, Ian, Bob, Lynda, Sally, Jan
Apologies – Walt, Mark, Beki, Russell, Nat

FINANCE – John reported receiving 2 donation cheques £100 each. Another funding offer of £500 is expected in April. Lynda proposes a Sumac People’s kitchen fundraiser.

Moby has funding for various wards for promo events before Green Fest, in May/June approx with mobile trailer from ‘Marches Energy Agency’. Main focus = energy saving in the home, but would also promote & raise funds for Green Fest. Possibly Sturton St, Forest Fields; St Paul’s Ave, Hyson Green and Wollaton (Pauline Dorey, St Barnabas?).

Core costs to be paid now to secure Arboretum booking: Insurance as before = £400. John spoke to First Aid who have penciled date in = £630, inc bike patrol on site. Arboretum hire = £230. Risk Assessment to be dredged up from file. City Council – at a recent conference Cllr Mike Edwards enquired re funding. He would also make enquiries. Moby reported favourable intentions from City Council depts/individuals.

Lush Charity Pot application form drafted by Natalie for committee’s attention. Moby noted availability of helpful info for applicants, by phone. Natalie to be asked to proceed with existing bid in progress. Typical timescale = 4 to 6 weeks. Lynda notes potential advertising idea for Festival, perhaps at Nottm Lush store – promotional use, separate from funding bid.

GoFundMe suggestion made last meeting – online crowdfund scheme. Bob felt this could even work as a last minute appeal.

Bob contacted Bill Vince of Ecotricity and was referred on to another contact – awaits response.

T4 Sustainability asked if we could use their ‘Generator X‘ solar powered generator – a ‘fire-engine sized’ truck [smaller actually]. Jeremy noted potential to reduce usage of petrol/diesel generators. Idea to group electricity users around it. Bob to enquire. The Green Gathering stipulates ‘no petroleum generators’. Various bike-powered outdoor presentations were recalled – Moby noted V3 Power (Beech Avenue) make the devices.

Ian noted acknowledgement from Cooperative Energy wanting Green Fest information. Will follow up. Cooperative Central England are also interested but require a business case. They sponsor already the Belper Goes Green Event. Ian knows people in the organisation and will follow up. Moby felt help in kind – equipment, marquee etc, might be easier for them – and ultra useful. Phone Coop also contacted – were interested. Sally – Group marquees seem to be successful at similar events – might be organised/funded by sponsoring businesses.

Moby – New Art Exchange anticipate starting something like Sneinton Hackspace. Arts & Crafts sessions at Green Fest might act as proof of public interest. Ian noted Trades Council funding bid for Green Fest early last week – Moby stated in prorgess.

Stall Bookings
It was generally felt stall charges are still appropriate. John noted that when we get grey category areas we leave it to the applicant to decide their contribution. But what provision for larger payments from sympathetic firms? Moby pointed out several green-conscious firms eg builders have many eco-project interests. They might do a sponsorship. In abeyance for the moment. Ian urged sponsorship is the wrong term … we’re actually looking for supporters. Extra donation facility to be placed on booking form. Credit donators on social media if desired?

Moby suggests tie-ins with eg Broadway (films seasons) and New Art Exchange. Issue of film selection discussed. Several felt we should ask them to select a relevant film. Jan to liaise with Broadway member.

Lynda – Nottm Contemporary creative projects. Ian – March 7th Climate march – check promo links.

Could we re-vivify Green Week? Libraries – buses – Sustrans – Ridewise – culminating in Sunday Green Fest. Grow Your Own in Woodthorpe is on the previous day (Sat Sep 5th). We could start ‘Nottm Green Week’ on Monday 31st Aug.

Most large campaign organisations eg RSPB, Wildlife Trust etc are either regular stallholders or at least know about us. Iell stall bookers: “the sooner you book the sooner we can start publicising your involvement”.

Several craft makers were reviewed – could such makers be part of a craft tent? John noted Gedling use of recently.

Website and Facebook page design discussed. Bob stated he has a never-used website available. Will circulate to committee. Domain names to be reviewed – Pat to get if available

Nottingham Green Partnership links to be reviewed by Moby and Ian. Nottm Arrow – Moby can talk to someone connected. Tourist Centre. Bob asked if advert in Nottm Post is looking redundant. John noted value in past in paid advert. If we have money left after covering core costs, a portion could be allocated. We usually try to get an article in anyway. Sally – link sponsors with Post? We should exploit modern journalism’s eagerness to utilise promo material supplied by outsiders. Moby noted that next year is 25th anniversary. Jan urged we get fold-out leaflet for general venues.

John arranged for Tania Brown, Notts TV, to attend meeting soon.

Patrick reported links with ex-professional footballers Vegan Athletes for Peace – fundraising for 12 green/animal/vegan charities. Could they then help Green Fest in some way? Possible link also to EcoTricity.

Utilise allotment groups onto our publicity and address lists. Jan – Open Gardens Scheme valuable link.

Promo cards for ‘Peace in the Park’ circulated – generally applauded. We should emulate. Design to be made. Jeremy to get quote from Pyramid Sherwood. Lynda will liaise with further crafts contacts. Promo card content: logo — “save the date” — place and date — contact for stalls —- possible Green Week — twitter, facebook, email address, website. Draft to be circulated ASAP

DATE OF NEXT MEETING = Sunday March 8th. 4pm at Sumac Centre