Pat – Veggies/Sumac
Mark – Green Party
Ian – Health In Your Environment
Lucy & Pheobe – Crocus Cafe
Neale & Sally – Green Emporium
Bob & Chris – ExLibris
Apologies from Margret, Jeremy, John, Lynda, Russell, Jan
* Stall bookings *
Cheques for stalls or donations are payable to “Nottingham Green Festival”, or by transfer to that account at Unity Trust Bank, sort code 08-60-01, a/c no 53110426
Pat has asked John to send the various booking documents by email.
Booking form should have a supporters/sponsorship option as well as the regular scale of stall charges..
Have the forms been posted out? ExLibris, Veggies, Crocus not seen them. Perhaps John is waiting til Arboretum fully confirmed?
If necessary Sally will help reformat forms etc as Word documents (doc format, rather than docx).
Pat will make them available from website as either doc & pdfs.
It was noted that many people don’t have printers so would prefer to fill in an electronic copy & send back by email.
John has received a number of stall applications, but he is awaiting for definite confirmation of Arboretum booking before confirming them.
Ask John for the mailing list of past stallholders so that they might be encouraged by personal contact …
… and notification of bookings as and when confirmed so that their support can be promoted to mutual benefit.
Castle Rock Brewery – Neil to sound out whether they would like be involved as an outreach opportunity (without alcohol).
However there was a beer sampling stall at previous Green Fest – this might be appropriate in the confines of a stall/tent, with sampling in small measures. There might also be a possible opportunity for them to attend Green Fest to promote Nottm Beer Fest (7th-10th October).
Bob still following up T4 Sustainability, with their Generator X solar power truck, to reduce diesel generators, but it may not be able to power more than one (eg) kids ride.
* Info & Contact Points *
Sally & Neil offered the Green Emporium as a Green Festival info&contact point (at 5 Haydn Road, Sherwood, NG5 2JX), from where publicity materials could be distributed and stall bookings dropped in for forwarding to John at meetings or by post in batches. Carefully logging & receipts would confirm forms/payments received & passed on. Ensure that email addresses are collected to keep stall holders updated with news.
This idea could be extended to other neighbourhoods. It was agreed to contact:
Five Leaves (City Centre) – Chris;
Screaming Carrot (Forest Fields) – Pat;
Crocus (Lenton) – Lucy & Pheobe;
Other suggestions:
Health Store? (Mapperley) – Pat
Sneinton’s Community Cafe – Moby sound out David Jones (or bike coop or advice centre)
Beeston – is Beating Drum at Out of This World?
West Bridgford – wait to see if any contacts emerge
* Finance *
Has John rcvd the £300 donation cheque from Women’s Environment (WEN)?
Moby WILL follow up the Near Neighbours Fund
Pat look for previous Lush funding bid for Moby/Nat
Suggest that John might apply to Unite NG59 branch
Unite might provide/ fund a marquee on behalf of a number of associated groups.
The East Midlands Coops AGM is on 20th May – Moby could attend through her Credit Union connection.
Central England Region Coops & Co-op University are interested – Ian will continue to persue them
Trades Council – Ian will advise Mark how best to connect up with them …
Crocus Trust, now based in London, might offer a grant from their community support fund… Crocus Cafe to apply.
Chris will look into Crowd Funding eg GoFundMe. A ‘wish list’ of of expenses that donors might contribute towards may be found from earlier minutes.
Ecotricity said no to funding – Sally will ask Good Energy. Other Good Energy customers might follow up if appropriate.
* Publicity *
Mark will ring John to help with press release.
Chris to forward to Crocus the ExLibris round robin email, adding John’s phone no (Chris check this is ok).
Pat will ask Jeremy to provide some high resolution photos,and make them available via the website.
Crocus will engage with Evening Post.
Jan Butterworth contacted Jared at Left Lion & Broadway – they want more info
Although it is too late to get a mention in the May brochure, Broadway to be asked if there are opportunities to publicise Green Fest during their Green Films Week, 3rd & 6th May – can we leaflet the audiences?
Moby will follow up with Amanda at Contemporary when the press release is available.
Sat 20th June – Moby organising Greener Nottm grant funded energy saving event at Forest Fields Community Centre. – opportunities for Green Festival outreach. Sumac is booked for Green Festival team to do Peoples Kitchen fundraiser on same day & possible social event after. Mark might ask musicians he knows. Does it clash with MoFest?
Moby to ensure that Whats On In Nottingham Guide has GreenFest included.
Moby might also get a mention in Mojatu magazine
Refugee Week newspaper (in June) – Mark will ask Stuart for editorial contact.
Penny Poyzer & Alan Simpson are organising event (with Frack-Free Notts?) related to Naomi Kein book / film This Changes Everything – The Documentary/
* Fliers, Posters, Website *
Aim to get main print-run of publicity flier before July, to get to schools & colleges before summer hols.
– Ask John about numbers printed & distribution
– Libraries generally might not feature them, except by direct contact with local ones.
– There is no central distribution for community centres, but Moby has a bit of a list, also of schools local to the Arboretum.
– Trade Council may have mailing list of activists in colleges
– Pat to ask if Giac at Romano’s can distribute fliers at their events eg No Tomorrow, Splendour
Pat has done artwork for A6 flier to encourage people to print off themselves. As it is colour people might not be able to print many, so have a black/white version too.
– See Green Festival flier artwork
– Pat to print some of these fliers for Mark to take to City Farm. Pat to ask EcoWorks. Others may request some.
1000 stickers have arrived. See Green Festival Stickers
– Pat will ask George to make an A5 & A4 poster pdf version of sticker – adding ‘Waverly Street & Postcode’ and removing colour tint background.
– Also offer a grey scale version
Engagement with social media taking off slowly. Twitter now reaching 53 people, Facebook – 155, but email news list only 13.
This Admin Group List now has 25 members.
Pat will continue to see if the website can be made to stand apart from the rest of Veggies website.
* Music *
Thanks were expressed for all the support given by Walt over the years. Mark will contact him re G.Fest related matters
‘John’ had done community PA in the past. Chris to ask c/o Gary…
The Place has 300W PA
Otherwise £500 minimum probably needed for PA etc
Entertainment is an important part of the event, but needs to be integrated with the whole event, related to the cultures active in Nottm & at the Green Festival
Ask Refugee Guitar Group – Frank?
Clarion Choir?
(btw Lynda also suggested contacting City Arts on Hockley to get details of local artists like Singing Bird and Sarah Manton on board.)
NOT 10th May due to election having just past, but let’s pretend it is then to get as much as possible done by then & have an email check in around the 10th, followed by the …
Actual Next Meeting on Sunday 24th May 4pm (til 6pm) at Sumac.
“Backed by the fantastic Penney Poyzer and Alan Simpson, we’re hoping to organise a Nottingham version of This Changes Everything UK – to be held in Nottingham’s Albert Hall in October.
Join us to plan this amazing exciting event!
Planning meeting for ‘This Changes Everything’ style event 27 May at 19:00 at Vat and Fiddle in Nottingham”
Pls help spread the word! Can you download, print & distribute/display fliers from PDF file:
— NottinghamGreenFest (@NottmGreenFest) April 11, 2015
Thanks for @NottmGreenFest stickers, @Activedistro. Just in time for Sunday's planning meeting
— Veggies Catering Ⓥ (@veggiesnottm) April 11, 2015