Notes from Green Festival Planning Meeting – 14th June 2015

Present: Lynda, Margret, Pheobe, Lucy, Moby, Pat, Russell, Jeremy

* Arboretum *

John reported (in earlier phone conversation) the there is a new booking procedure requiring a different form to a different Council department. This form is now submitted and informal discussion with the Arboretum advises that the provisional booking is pencilled in such that other bookings would not be taken without us knowing about it.

* Fundraising *

The GoFundMe Appeal is now fully ‘live’ and linked to the Green Festival bank account.
Tell everyone to share the appeal at

Moby will follow up the Near Neighbours Fund

* Publicity *

Details have been received for Bus Stop digital display adverts, with no charge for a 133 character message.
Moby will follow up the contact with Aran Golden, Bus Facilities Supervisor
… and also enquire about the NET Tram Events Program.

Quotes have been received of about £80 for 5000 double sided, A5 glossy fliers on recycled paper with water-based inks.
Helen via Crocus Cafe will be approached to help with artwork. A draft suitable for for Jeremy & Pat to print on their respective duplicators might be available by Thursday, pending a more detailed flier with Green Festival details on the front and useful advice and information on sustainable living on the back.

City Arts are keen to receive fliers, c/o Lynda.

Crocus will contact Mo for publicity in the STAA (St Annes Allotments) newsletter, possibly tied in with publicity for the Grow Your Own event on the day before the Green Fest.

Jeremy will look for a list of stall holders that he might have, so they can be engaged with for publicity.

Broadway and the Evening Post will be approached, possibly by Jan Butterworth, or Rudi c/o Crocus.

Contemporary Arts program deadline has passed, but they are interested for future years, possibly including a ‘Green Week’.
Nottingham Cultural Quarter and City Arts might be approached – does anyone have any contacts? (Just Do It!)

What’s On In Nottingham, the City Council online guide, has the Green Festival on its listings. Is it possible to get the listing extended to cover more aspects ofthe event,such as advice on tackling fuel poverty – ‘Save Energy – Save Money’.

[Mark has spoken with Left Lion and hopes to get the Press Release to them ASAP for the August edition.]

* Events *

Green Festival Peoples Kitchen: The People’s Kitchen community meal at the Sumac Centre at 7pm on Saturday 20th June will be a fundraiser for the Green Festival, with a Middle Eastern Mezze style meal prepared by Crocus Cafe. Please invite everyone. Mark might find a performer or two and DiY Poets might be invited.

Moby’s energy saving event is postponed from 20th July to (perhaps) Tuesday 28th July, at the Forest Fields Community Centre on & around Sturton Street.
Ask Walt if he might be able to provide some music?

Arnold Carnival – this Saturday/Sunday 20th/21st June – Margret will take fliers, if printed and available to collect in time.

Refugee Week events 13th – 20th June – anyone on their own initiative.

Lowdham Book Festival: 27th June – ExLibris
Lady Bay Open Gardens: 4th and 5th July – ExLibris
Clifton Picnic in the Park: Tuesday 11th August – ExLibris

Glastonbury Green Fields: 24th – 28th June – Veggies
Bulwell Arts Festival: 4th July – Veggies
Northern Green Gathering: 6th – 9th August – exactly 1 month before 6th September – Veggies

Sherwood Craft/Recycling gala: 28th June – Jeremy

Gedling Gala : 4th July
Lenton Abbey event: 4th July – Moby
Cuba Open Garden event: 5th July – Dave Hewitt

* Performers *

Walt has 3 bands and 2 workshops, Belly Dancing and Capoeira booked already.

We will ask if Walt can take on liaison with Salmagundi, Ram One and The Ites Band, the Roma Band (c/o Moby) and Clarion Choir.

* Generator X *

T4 Sustainability and their Generator X solar power truck would be a very positive demonstration of sustainability if it was prominently running the Bandstand PA, with the fallback option of the mains power available there if there was insufficient power/sun.

Pat to put Walt in touch with them.

* Notts TV *

Pat to contact Tania at Notts TV to see if they are still interested, possibly with some filming at Saturdays People’s Kitchen Meal.

Ask Walt if he has any video footage of previous Green Festivals which might be of interest to Notts TV.

Architects of Air (inflatable environments) & Pulp Friction (Pedal Smoothies) to be considered.

NEXT MEETING : Sunday 19th July at 4pm at the Sumac Centre