Nottingham Green Festival

Meeting of the Nottingham Green Festival Planning Group, including Minutes of the Inaugural Annual Meeting

Sunday 10th January 2016, 4pm, Sumac Centre

Present: Russell, Jeremy, John, Moby, Ian, Phoebe, Sally, Sally, Kenny, Tash.

Apologies: Margret, Lynda, Chris, Bob, Mark

Kenny was welcomed, new to the group, on the recommendation of Mark.

Kenny offers head up the coordination of all the entertainment aspects of the Green Festival, whilst Walk is away on his travels. He has experience from organising MoFest. Kenny can also coordinate ‘strolling players’ etc and his contact Nigel offers to provide the PA.

Whilst the plan for entertainment this year yet to be decided, it was advised that at previous events there were 5 bands (45mins + changeover) running from 12noon to 6pm.

Subject to fundraising there would hope to be a budget similar to the (advance projection) of £1340 last year.

Kenny understands the requirements for ents to be ‘family friendly’, for music to kept within proscribed volume & time limits and for there to be diversity among the performers.

Kenny would need plenty of time to firm up bands and the PA before they get booked up elsewhere, so the plans for entertainments and budget/funding need to be clarified ASAP.

Later discussion considered how well the poets fitted with the flow of entertainment on the stage, with more ‘political relevance’ mentioned, such as provided by Lord Biro!

There might be suggestions to integrate music more with the main body of the festival, a bit like the pop-up band, Phantom Limbs.

John & Jeremy announced that they wished to step down, to give the new organising group the opportunity to take the event forward. Their huge commitment in maintaining the ethos and continuity of the Green Festival over 30 year was acknowledged by all, who extend best wishes for their future projects.

Moby will collect Green Fest properties from John, including hi-vis jackets, control gazebo & litter picker sticks. (Tables were John’s own). Once works are completed they may be stored in the redeveloped outbuildings at Sumac.

John & Jeremy will remain signatories during a changeover period. Efforts will be made to contact the third signatory, Doreen.

At this stage John & Jeremy left the meeting.

Tash was welcomed to the meeting. Through Nottingham Indymedia Tash documented the Green Festival since 2003 to 2013 and will send contact sheets for photos from 2015, for addition to the Gallery.

Tash reports that the Nottingham Indymedia archive has disappeared, including the 2013 report and others linked from the Green Festival Archive, but he has links on his archive to earlier UK postings and they may be recovered from the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.

Follow Tash on Twitter.

Constitution and Co-operative Values & Principles were discussed in detail from drafts prepared by Moby.

It was noted that a Constitution would broaden the available opportunities for funding, clarify liabilities (eg re insurance) and protect the ethos of Nottingham Green Festival.

It was agreed that the aims should be:
i. To organize an annual Green Festival in Nottingham and thereby to promote green and environmental issues and local projects
ii. To run the Group guided by Cooperative Values & Principles and Green Festival Statement of Ethos (See appendix)

It was agreed that membership of the ‘Nottingham Green Festival Planning Group’ should consist of those attending planning group meetings and in agreement of the aims of the group.

Moby will update the final version of the Constitution to incorporate minor variations made during the discussion, for ratification at the next meeting.

It was agreed by 100% consensus to accept the Constitution: Pat, Russell, Moby, Ian, Phoebe & Sally (Tash & Kenny had left).

[The edited version may be seen here. This shows the thought process behind the discussion. The published version, which we’ll ratify at the next meeting, won’t have all the highlighted revision notes!]

to do
– review the ‘Booking Advice’ document, which may currently be the place where the ethos is shown.
– set up shared access for all GreenFest admin (eg googledrive or dropbox), with confidential documents held & backed up elsewhere as agreed & documented at meeting)
– apply to Sumac for mailbox facilities
– update contact details on documents and website

Membership: All present agreed to continue as Planning Group Members.
It was agreed that all others in the Group (as reflected in the GreenFestAdmin email group) should be considered de facto (‘grandfathered’) members. This gives us potentially 24 members.

Signatories: It was agreed to add 4 signatories to the Bank Account at the next meeting. Please advise if you would / would not be willing to be considered.

Coordinator & Treasurer: It was agreed these two named posted be elected at the next meeting. Please advise if you would / would not be willing to be considered.

Approval of Accounts: It was agreed to to review the accounts at the next meeting.

We seek recommendation of a financially literate person who might be approached to independently inspect the accounts, eg the treasurer of a like-minded organisation or Community Accounting Plus. This is not a very formal/legally binding inspection, nor a full audit. A small remuneration may be available. Please advise if you or anyone you know might be considered.

Next Meeting: To be held at 4pm on Sunday 21st February at Sumac Centre.

This will be a ‘Special General Meeting‘, with this email being the required 21 days notice.


1. Welcome and Introduction

2. Present + Apologies

3. Ratify the Constitution

4. Ratify Planning Group membership

5. Elect a coordinator

6. Elect a treasurer

7. Planning Group members agreed for 2016

8. Appoint signatories to the Bank Account & authorise application for online banking

9. Review & approve accounts

10. Nominate independent inspector for accounts

11. Review the statement of the Ethos of the Green Festival
and brought forward from last time:

12. Green Festival planning- updates from 8 + 10 Nov’15 notes

13. What structure needed? Sub-groups, communication, recording decisions

14. Task allocation

15. Insurance quotes

16. Funding Applications

17. Entertainments review & plans

18. Stall Bookings process

19. Date, facilitator & minute taker for next meeting, and key future dates

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