Minutes of Nottingham Green Festival planning meeting . Thursday, Jul 30, 2015
> Present:
> Moby, Jeremy, Russell, Ian, Mark, Sally, Lucy, Lynda and David.O.
> Apologies from John, Pat, Phoebe

5 1/2 weeks until this year’s festival

Moby has corrected the entry in ‘What’s On’ including correct start time
And is chasing Trams management about featuring the festival in publicity for the Clifton tram line extension due to open in time for the festival although date keeps slippng.

Moby has created a stallholder database using info from John and will send to John, Jeremy and Patrick.
This is useful for finding previous stallholders and for sending out festival info and promotional material to stallholders for distribution.

Sally asked by Jeremy to clarify situation re Notts Nosh, concerns raised over how payments made (potential sub-letting / profiting issues) and more than one stall holder trying to cancel in favour of cheaper slots at the farmers market.

Moby said that St Ann’s Allotments volunteered to help with marketing
> Stalls:
> * The following stalls were mentioned and would be welcome to have a stall.
> Dr Bike.
> Greens Mill.
> * Pulp friction will be joining the Crocus Stall.
> * Moby to send a list of stallholder contact details to John, Jeremy and Pat.
> =======================================================================================
> Venue:
> * The blocking point is that the terms and conditions are being processed. This needs doing in the next few days. Jeremy and John on the case.
> * Moby to email an example of alternative risk assessment to Jeremy.
> =======================================================================================
> Funding:
> IN
> * Trades council cheque has been received.
> * NG58 Trade Union have agreed to donate 250 pounds. Their treasurer is to contact John.
> * A deposit of 500 pounds is required by the venue.
> * 750 pounds for venue services will be required including 250 pounds for water(!) This is outrageous but we have no choice now.
> * Insurance cover raised to 5,000,000 (trades council have offered to use their insurance cover but insurance has already been paid).
> =======================================================================================
> Marketing:
> * Moby chasing tram people, waiting for response.
> * It’s going on the bus stops and the what’s on.
> * Ian has contacted the Creative Quarter (who seem to have a significant social media presence). They are supportive and would like to have a meeting with him and someone a bit marketing savvy. They also mentioned “Green Street” a new initiative about to be launched which might offer some marketing synergy. Consensus was that this was a good opportunity that we would like to engage with. Ian, Mark and Sally to meet with them tomorrow early afternoon, and report back.
> * Raddi is progressing with leaflet and poster design. They are not finished yet. Lucy to chase and report back. We really need them to be ready by next meeting.
> * How many posters and flyers do we want to produce?
> A3 poster: 100 – community print workshop? David.O. to ask George. Jeremy to chase up Sherwood depot to see if they can do it.
> A4 poster: 300 – community print workshop.
> A6 flyers: 10,000 – lithographic print run – instaprint (Hockley)?
> * Interim flyer requires minor amendments and then printing in some quantity and distributing. David.O. to chase Pat for source document and then email out. Moby will email out some new wording. Once amendments have been made David.O to ask George to print 1000 at the community print workshop. People can then collect what they need from there.
> * David.O. to take some to the Brinsley Animal Rescue open day.
> * Ian to drop some flyers at Mojatu on Alfreton way.
> * Nearer to the event, Moby to contact friends of the arboretum to see if we can have green festival banners on the arboretum railing.
> =======================================================================================
> D.O.N.M.
> Tuesday 11th August. 19:00 at the Sumac centre.