Green Meadow Animal Sanctuary urgently needs donations due to recent considerable vets bills. For example the treatment of a horse for several months has run into thousands of pounds and this has now put the Animal Sanctuary into serious financial difficulties.

Billy the GoatGreen Meadow Animal Sanctuary has been taking in sick and rescued animals since 1991 and is home to in excess of 100 sheep and various other animals such as goats, turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, horses, rabbits, cats, etc.

The sanctuary is entirely reliant on volunteers and donations to look after all the rescued and sick animals in their care and now urgently needs your help.

All the animals will live out the rest of their natural lives here, as we operate a strict no-breed and no-kill policy.

Once the animals are here they can roam the 37 acres of land to their hearts content and desire and come in for shelter whenever they want to, into our purpose built accommodation.

We need to stress to people that the situation is now urgent and all animals face slaughter if land has to be sold off. Funds have run out, and with running costs of £2500 per month, things are looking grim if we can’t get money coming in.

Donate with PayPal or credit/debit cards via

Or post your donation to:

Green Meadow Animal Sanctuary
Quarry Farm
Great Moor
Near Wolverhampton

Tel: 01902 701743

See also Green Meadow Animal Sanctuary Spring Open Day (April)
and the Autumn Open Day (October) on Veggies’ Animal Rights Calendar.

Please help to support our work by sponsoring one of our 7 chosen animals via the website – Only £2 a month.

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