We hope everyone had a nice and peaceful Christmas

xmas meal 2014

Here at Veggies we all get on so well we even have Christmas Day dinner together Thanks to Chrissy for the amazing event – the food (obviously all vegan!) was amazing and the table was beautiful! to all you guys and see you on Veggies 2015 tour soon! …more…

operation safe winter

What a truly heartening afternoon to see so many caring and compassionate people out in force to make ‪#‎OpSafeWinter‬ Nottingham a success today.

It was beautiful to see the massive pile of donated warm clothing, sleeping bags, food and other items that people had given. We were so pleased to have been able to contribute to the day with free food and hot drinks for those in need. …more…

Derby & Kensington

What a fantastic couple weeks of vegan outreach we’ve done! Last weekend we were at Brinsley Animal Rescue Christmas Open Day, and this weekend just passed we catered at the annual Compassionate Derby vegan festival on Saturday and yesterday at Animal Aid’s ‘Christmas Without Cruelty’ Fair.

All three events were busy for us so we’re lucky to have such a dedicated volunteer crew. Twenty different crew members helped out over these three events! …more…

Sumac Winter Crafts Fair on Sunday 14th December, with beautiful handmade gifts from local craftspeople, socialise and enjoy yummy Veggies food. …more….

Archive of all past Veggies Events