Why do Veggies supply mixes rather than ready made burgers and sausages?
We are in a climate crisis which we may have insufficient time left to turn around.
Refrigeration for production, distribution, wholesale, retail and domestic chilled & frozen food has a significant impact on energy use & climate damaging gases.
The time has therefore come where we no longer wish to transport 60% frozen water around the region.
To reduce the climate impact of refrigeration, Veggies have discontinued supplying frozen burgers & sosages. Customers can instead use our ambient burger and sosage mixes to simply make Veggies Burgers themselves.
We manufacture probably the most ethical, locally produced and simple to use mixes available. They are entirely plant based, palm oil free, made with predominantly organically grown ingredients and taste tested at thousands of events over 35 years.
The mix can be made up in appropriate quantities and varied for personal taste and innovation, reducing the environmental impact of distribution and refrigeration.
Veggies award winning mixes are handmade in vegan premises by a co-operative with 36 years experience of vegan catering. Veggies Burgers are available at Veggies events across the UK and mixes are available online from Veggies or Alternative Stores, from wholefood & zero waste stores and from any outlet selling Veggies products. Lembas co-op distributes to trade and households in a 90 mile radius of Sheffield.
Veggies were delighted to be regarded the Best Buy in the May/June 2016 issue of Ethical Consumer, alongside Dragonfly, Taifun, VegiDeli and Fry’s. All the best buys are vegan companies with explicit environmental agendas, and for this reason they score highly in the rating system. In their report the Ethical Consumer said:
“Veggies is an explicitly political, vegan workers coop based in Nottingham. It has been going since 1984, providing vegan catering at events and supporting campaigns for human and animal rights and environmental protection. It also supplies radical books, vegan multivitamins and Zapatista coffee. Its food is organic and GM free, and its soya is sourced from Europe.”
Ethical Consumer is the UK’s leading alternative consumer organisation, researching and recording the social and environmental records of companies. Veggies Catering Campaign (established in 1984) has subscribed, and followed their guidance, since issue no.1 in 1989.
As you would expect, our mixes contain no palm oil or saturated fats. In fact they contain no added oil or fats at all.
Whilst our organic soya mince is sourced from France, we are working towards reducing our dependence on soya products. At Veggies events we use a Festival Mix, combining regular Burger Mix & Hemp Mix. This blend is being rolled out to join the other mixes in stores, and our online shop.
Most of the ingredients are organically grown, mainly wholewheat breadcrumb, oats, soya mince, onion, garlic, yeast extract, seasalt, malt flour or beetroot, gum, herbs & spices. Our suppliers advise us that the wheat is “usually from the UK, sometimes from Finland or Sweden”. The oats are supplied from Cheshire & sourced from UK or the EU, and the soya is certified as coming from France. Dark malt is supplied from Essex-based EDME, from grain grown in East Anglia.
The product has a 12 month shelf life and can be held in stock at ambient temperatures.
More product information, ingredients, nutritional info, recipes and details of other outlets may be found …here…
To buy mail order visit Veggies Shop or find details of other shops & online stores.
For catering or wholesale supplies – Contact Us.
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See also our ethical comparison of vegan burger mixes & sosmix
Double Burger Night.
When you eat healthy food you can eat more of it. Since going vegan not only did I lose over 2 stone (12kg) I eat more now than I used to.@veggiesnottm #organic burger mix. Kindly given to me when I did my cooking demo at Animal Aid’s festival. Delicious! pic.twitter.com/UxpiUWTHwO
— Aaron Calder Vegan (@Aaronvegan) January 23, 2020
Here are our #vegan sausage rolls we had earlier in the week, made using #organic Sosage Mix from @veggiesnottm. 💚https://t.co/TC6UJnO5kF
We added sage & onion stuffing mix, onion, tomato puree and a spinkle of nooch. Served up with salad & vegan cheese.#veganrecipehour pic.twitter.com/Z7kcw0fSpd
— Vegan Chat Room Ⓥ (@VeganChatRoom) December 12, 2019