Written by Bristol Animal Rights Collective, the A-Z of Animal Rights is an introduction and reference guide to many essential Animal Rights related issues.

a-z-of-animal-rightsEach subject contains a short paragraph explaining why it is important to Animal Rights and where appropriate will direct you to websites or other sections where you can find out more.

It is also a celebration of the diversity of the tactics and the various campaigns all working towards animal liberation.

We hope all will find the information on veganism and ideas for animal-free living especially useful, as well as the short directory of vegan-inspired animal rescues and shelters.

Full description at Bristol Animal Rights Collective website, where you can also read the whole thing, or order below for extra copies for your info/campaign stalls.

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To minimise the postage cost we offer 13 copies to fit a 1kg parcel.

13 x A-Z of Animal Rights – £12.30 (13 x 70p + 3.20p p&p)

27 x A-Z of Animal Rights – £22.10 (27 x 70p + 3.20p p&p)

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A is for…
Animal Rights (and 10 other topics)

Animal Rights is the belief that all beings (animals and people) have the right
to freedom, and the right to be free from pain, torture and suffering. Animals
and people are equally as important. People often use the misbelief that
humans are more important than non-human animals to justify inflicting pain
on them. This is the same argument that was used during the slave trade,
when white people thought they were more important than black people and
during the holocaust when non-Jews thought they were more important than
Jews. Animal Rights rejects all exploitation of animals for the benefit of

B is for…
Badgers (and 8 other topics)

Badgers are sometimes culled because it is claimed that they spread TB to
cattle. They are usually cage-trapped then shot, sometimes sitting for over 12
hours in their traps, in all whether extremes. Badgers are being scapegoated
by farmers and farming organisations, whose own intensive production
systems are the direct and main cause of increasing levels of many diseases
in cattle, including bovine TB. There is no plausible evidence to suggest that
badgers are transmitting bovine TB to cattle. The reverse is most likely the

C is for…
Captive Animals Protection Society (and 11 other topics)

CAPS was founded in 1957. CAPS is opposed to the use of animals in
entertainment and works to end their use. Since 1957 their main object has
been to end the use of all animals in circuses, a campaign which is still at the
forefront of their work today. Their other key areas of work are to end the
captivity of animals in zoos and the exotic pet trade as well as the use of
captive wild animals in advertising and films. CAPS seeks to prevent the use
and exploitation of captive and performing animals, and investigates cases of
alleged cruelty against captive and performing animals.

D is for…
Dairy (and 3 other topics)

Dairy cows are artificially inseminated and forced to give birth annually, to
produce enough milk to satisfy our greed. Calves are the bi-product of the
dairy industry. If you consume dairy, you are responsible for the killing of
calves. Calves are taken away from their mothers, at just a few days old, so
the milk which is meant for them can be fed to humans. Some of the male
calves are transported abroad alive for the veal industry (see Live Exports),
some male calves are reared for beef, and some females are kept back to
replenish the dairy herd. Cows will naturally live 20 years but dairy cows are
worn out by the time they reach four or five and are slaughtered. They are
forced to carry udders that weigh up to 8 stone, and produce 10 times more
milk than they would do naturally.

We are the only species to drink milk beyond infancy, and the milk of another
species. Pretty revolting and unnatural when you think about it! Cows’ milk is
meant for small calves to help them to grow quickly, not humans. That’s why
it’s so full of fat! Luckily, there are lots of alternatives on the market,
including dairy-free ice-cream, dairy-free yoghurt, oat milk, rice milk, soya
milk and almond milk.

More in depth information may be found from PeTA or Animal Aid websites.

E is for…
Earthlings (and 4 other topics)

Earthlings is a must-see, feature length documentary about humanity’s absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) which also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called ‘non-human providers.’ It details and gives evidence of the extent to which animal abuse and cruelty is inherent in every day society. Be aware, it is quite an upsetting film, so try to watch it with like minded folk, and talk about it afterwards, but don’t be put off watching it!

F is for…
Fur (and 7 other topics)

Due to campaigns by anti-fur groups, the farming of animals ‘solely or primarily for their fur’ was banned in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland from 1st January 2003. Meanwhile, millions of animals continue to be killed around the world for their fur. The majority of these animals are mink, raised on fur factory farms. Other animals farmed for their fur include rabbits and foxes. In some countries stray dogs and cats are rounded up and skinned, many whilst still alive. Every year some 10 million animals are trapped in the wild for their fur, caught by leghold traps, body grip traps and wire snares.

G is for…
Greyhound Racing (and 2 other topics)

Around 25,000 Greyhounds are registered for racing every year. Only some of
these make the races; over 10,000 greyhound pups and young dogs are put
to death each year as they fail to reach racing standards. Many dogs obtain
muscle, joint or tendon injuries during races. Most dogs ‘retire’ at around 2
1/2 yrs. It is obviously hard to rehome so many dogs and although some
owners do care for their dogs after they have retired many are abandoned or
killed. Even the racing industry admits that around 1,000 retired greyhounds
are put to death each year. This alone would be enough to justify a ban on
greyhound racing, but the true figure is sadly far higher, as many as 6,000
are killed each year.

H is for…
Hunting (and 8 other topics)

In the UK people most associate the hunting of foxes with hounds with the
term hunting, but is actually any practice of pursuing living animals (usually
wildlife) for food, recreation, or trade. In present-day use, the term refers to
lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching which is illegal. The species
which are hunted are referred to as ‘game’ and are usually mammals and
migratory or non-migratory game birds. The pursuit, capture and release, or
capture for food of fish is called fishing, which is not commonly categorized as
a form of hunting.

The Hunting Act 2004 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The
effect of the Act is to outlaw hunting with dogs (particularly fox hunting, but
also the hunting of deer, hare and mink and organised hare coursing) in
England and Wales. However, hunts still meet regularly in the season, and the
Government has threatened to repeal the ban, making hunting legal again.
The pursuit of foxes with hounds was banned in Scotland in 2001. It remains
legal in Northern Ireland. See Bloodsports and Hunt Sabbing.

More extracts may follow

Or read the whole thing at the Bristol Animal Rights Collective website

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Veggies Catering Campaign has reprinted A-Z of Animal Rights by Bristol Animal Rights Collective. Get one or bulk-buy for groups & stalls: www.veggies.org.uk/shop/books-and-publications/a-z-of-animal-rights/


Whilst still impressively comprehensive, since publication in 2010 a few things will inevitably have changed. Of you spot anything that needs updating contact us.

Recommended new content and alternatives to broken links may be noted here, ready for the next edition.

CAPS no longer run the Save the Meerkat website, however they still follow the topic, for example with this report: New-meerkat exhibit highlights farcical conservation claims.

The Dairy Production link has been removed from the Vegan Society website since printing, but in depth information about the dairy industry and the fate of dairy cows may be found from PeTA and Animal Aid.

Earthlings info may be found on the Earthlings website.

Staffy Campaigns, listed in the previous print run, are now gone. Links to other related groups may be found on the Save the Staffy website.

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
Statement on the closing of the campaign in 2014:
“After more than 10 years of organising the SHAC campaign and having sent shockwaves throughout the entire vivisection industry, our opposition has evolved. The global animal abuse and legal landscapes have changed and so it’s time for us too, to change our tactics. Although we’re announcing the closure of the SHAC campaign, it will always be an important part of our history and a reminder of the ingenuity and power of the animal rights movement. SHAC will continue to inspire activists around the world to join the struggle against animal testing and take on those who profit from abuse and exploitation.”
Read the full statement on the SHAC website.