The following titles from Active Distribution are generally stocked on Veggies Bookstall at the Sumac Centre, and at Veggies Events all over the place.
If you’d like to check the price or availability of anything, if if you’d like a publication brought to you at one of our events, contact us.
You can also order direct from Active Distribution.
924 Gilman
Abolish Restaurants
Abolition Now
All power to the imagination
Alternative Vegan
Anarchist Farm, a fast-paced fable by Jane Doe
Anarchy in Action
Anarchy in the age of dinosaurs
Anarchy Works
Animal Liberation and Social Revolution
Another Dinner Is Possible
Arena: On Anarchist Cinema
As the World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial
Banksy Locations & Tours 4th Ed. Vol.1
Banksy Locations (and a Tour) Vol.2
Barefoot & In the Kitchen: Vegan Recipes For You by Ashley Rowe
Bash The Rich
Bloodroot, (the best of), Vol.2. – Vegan Recipes by Selma Miriam & Noel Furie
Bumping Back – An activist’s guide to getting there, doing the business and getting away with it
Cake Scoffer, Cheap ‘n’ Easy Vegan Cooking [wholesale distributor]
Chainbreaker book by Shelley Jackson
Conveniently Vegan
Cook, Eat, Thrive. Vegan Recipes from Everyday to Exotic
Crass The Biography
Defending The Earth
Do It Yourself Screenprinting book by John Isaacson
Dynamite Class Violence in America
Eat, Drink & Be Vegan: Everyday vegan recipes worth celebrating
Everyday Vegan. Recipes and lessons for living the vegan life
Feminism is for everybody
Food Not Bombs
Generation V
Get It Ripe. A fresh take on vegan cooking and living, by Jae Steele
Grime & Nourishment 2nd Edition
Hot Damn and Hell Yeah, 2nd edition
How and Why: A Do-it-yourself Guide by Matte Resist
How non-violence protects the state
How Shall I Live My Life, On liberating the Earth from civilization, by Derrick Jensen
How to Rock and Roll: A City Rider’s Repair Manual
La Dolce Vegan, Vegan Livin’ Made Easy, by Sarah Kramer
Lickin’ the Beaters, low fat vegan desserts
Lickin’ The Beaters 2: Vegan Chocolate and Candy
Life Under the Jolly Roger, Reflections on Golden Age Piracy
Lives Less Valuable
Making a killing the political economy of the Animal Rights
Making Stuff and Doing Things
McLibel Case and Animal Rights
My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Disabilities
New American Vegan
Oppose and Propose (lessons from a movement)
Paper Politics, Socially Engaged Printmaking Today
Pie Any Means Necessary
Please Don’t Feed the Bears
Race Revolt issues 3 and 5
Rage & Reason
Slingshot Diary
Slingshot Desk Planner
Soy Not Oi !
The Allotment by D. Crouch & Colin Ward
The Coming Insurrection
The Enemy is the Middle Class
Unfinished Business (class war)
Vegan A Go-Go!
Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World
Vegan Freak, Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World, 2nd. ed.
Vegan Vittles
Vegan With A Vengeance
Veggies Scoffer
Viva Voce
Vive Le Vegan!
Why work?
Wildcat Keeps Going
Work, Capitalism, Economics, Resistance
Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico by John Holloway & Eloina Pelaez
Zapatista Spring: Anatomy of a Rebel Water Project & the Lessons of International Solidarity
Zephamiah Benjamin: Explicit Vegan Lyrics
363, Food Not Bombs
405, Vegananarchist
413, Vegan
Animal Liberation, History in the Making DVD
Behind The Mask DVD
The Day the Country Died DVD