How often have you heard people say "I'd like to do something but I don't know how"? At the Sumac Centre, it could hardly be easier to get involved and make a positive change. Don't be put off by thinking that everyone here knows it all already. Individuals have their own areas of expertise to contribute. The Sumac Centre is all about co-operating and sharing our knowledge and skills.
Sumac Centre has always been and continues to be run by Volunteers. We are always in need of more people to help keep the Centre running. You might
want to contribute towards the running of the cafe, or the vegan-organic
garden, help with Veggies or any of the user
groups, answer public enquiries, help manage the information in the library
or even help develop this web site! The list is endless! So, if you have any spare time that you want to put to good use, get in touch and we can discuss it further. Email (online form to be redesigned)
If you don't live near Nottingham, we may still be able to help you contact suitable organisations or individuals in you area, many of which will welcome your support. All you have to do is contact us and (subject to the availability of volunteers) we will try and answer your queries as comprehensively as possible. So whether it's a specific project that you have in mind or just fancy helping us out and doing some good for the planet and its inhabitants, we'd love to hear from you.
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